Saturday, November 04, 2023

Life & Mentorship & Gratitude

My life is characterized by so much for which I am grateful.

Tonight I hosted for dinner, a young couple from the University where I'm active as a Professor.

It is such a joy to be with young persons with their vitality, their curiosity, their insight, and their desire to be shaped to shape the world to be better.

This week, the Chair of our College shared with me that a Senior reported to him:  "Dr. Michelson's class is the best one I've taken in my four years here!"  Fun!

The Provost of the University recently tasked me with aiding some colleagues in conflict, using my peace and conflict negotiation practices, fostering clarity where mis(sed)ing communication, mis(sed)ing perceptions and mis(sed)ing understandings exist.

And . . . today, too, as with many days, I engaged a young person in a Suicide Watch and Mental Health Assessment with my contract work in government facilities for some interstate work in Mental Health.

What a life!

What a great, grand, wonderful life - to aid others, to mentor others, and to work toward peace and flourishing for all living beings.

~ marty