Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Reading in November

I had the opportunity to read two texts in the past few weeks.

The Magicians by Lev Grossman and Paul was not a Christian by Pamela Eisenbaum.

The piece by Grossman is not my normal genre in the way of novels. I try to stick with classics or culturally influential books if I am going to take the time to read. But, I had not read the Harry Potter series at all and this book by Grossman was presented to me by a reading friend I trust - as a kind of adult and mature version of Potter. I had some down time from other texts, so decided to plunge into this one.

While "magic" is not "my area" - this book was surprisingly "believable." The principal character, Quentin, from New York (starts out from Brooklyn) and his friends were real. I do not value or hope for my own children to experience the levels of inebriation and sexual activity that these teens are involved in as they go through Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy - but, they were very real, believable, persons. Lev writes very well and the book caused me to think. He created an alternate world - or a series of alternate worlds (including Fillory and Brakebills) that allowed the characters, and even I, to "escape" from reality - in intriguing ways. I passed the book on to my wife.


Pamela Eisenbaum was a means of support and guidance to me (though not "officially") when I was doing Doctoral study at the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology in the mid 1990's. Though I only took a single class from her - on general issues from the Greco-Roman period - I did not get to learn too much from her about her expertise on Paul and Pauline studies.

She clearly demonstrates her place in the field of study in this text, demonstrating that, contra the Reformation idea, Paul did not become a Christian - precisely. Paul came to believe in Jesus as the Christ - but he was deeply embedded and rooted in his Jewish theology for all of his life, even after his revelation (not conversion, for Pam) of the Christ.

A compelling and interesting read that has already caused me to appreciate Paul a bit more. He seems more "rooted" and believable in her exposition - not someone "swayed" from his former life as he encountered the reality of Jesus, but someone who was nevertheless changed from older ideas within Judaism to a new focus, while still embedded in his Jewish heritage and practice.


With students this month I started and finished reading - The Covenant of Peace: The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and Ethics by Willard Swartley. I hope to comment more on that later. A powerful, complete, and thorough presentation of the "missing piece/peace" that is overlooked in so much of the New Testament literature. Compelling.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Contact us to copy and share!

We have PDF files of Posters or Postcards regarding our screening of Pray the Devil Back to Hell!

If you would like a copy to share with family, friends, colleagues, community organizations, mosques, churches, or synagogues, please email us and we will try to get you what you need in electronic format and will try to get you print copies as we can!

Something that looks like this:

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This, from John Freeman's The Tyranny of Email is similar to other notes I’ve observed from RAPT.

E-mail is addictive, it has been shown, in the same way that slot machines are addictive. You press the send/receive button just as a gambler pulls down a slot machine lever, because you know that yo will receive a reward (mail/a payout) some of the time. The best way to increase the chance of a reward is to press "Send" a lot. In one study, participants manually checked their e-mail thirty to forty times an hour.

Working at the speed of e-mail is like trying to gain a topographic understanding of our daily landscape from a speeding train--and the consequences for us as workers are profound. Interrupted every thirty seconds or so, our attention spans are fractured into a thousand tiny fragments. The mind is denied the experience of deep flow, when creative ideas flourish and complicated thinking occurs. We become task-oriented, tetchy, terrible at listening as we try to keep up with the computer. The e-mail inbox turns our mental to-do list into a palimpsest--there's always something new and even more urgent reasing what we originally thought was the day's priority.

Supplemental notes from RAPT

Based on an exhaustive study of 9,211 employees and managers:

Analysis showed that a worker's tendency toward perfectionism, manifested by a persistent focus on small, inconsequential details and errors, correlated with an inability to distinguish between what is or isn't doable and with being unsuited for risky tasks. Because they consistently pay too much attention to the wrong things, these hardworking but anxious zealots end up reducing their productivity.

(page 60)

Some more reading

One thing I enjoy about traveling is the fact that it gives me opportunity to read books I would not otherwise take the time to read while I’m “working” at home.
Over the past few days I took the time to read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodson). I suppose I should have read these classics years ago when I was a child or teen – but I never did. I enjoyed them. I think, as much as anything, I enjoyed reading the foreword to the stories – explaining how this story – now a classic in English literature, evolved out of a story told on a boat to keep three girls occupied as the math teacher created this wonderfully fabricated underworld series of events just to keep the girls occupied. How curious that an expansive imagination on an afternoon boat-ride could lead to this! Ah, for that kind of imagination! I enjoyed how the characters in the story satirize education and learning – particularly the conversation with the Gryphon and Turtle! Oh, and I loved how the King had a simple maxim for starting at the beginning and proceeding until you get to the end!

I read Animal Farm, too. This one by George Orwell of course. Again, another classic that I should have read years ago – and about which I had equal familiarity with Alice In Wonderland – but which I had not read. Isn’t it always like leaders (the pigs) to set up rules and then, willingly hope that people become illiterate to their meaning – while ever so slightly editing and changing the rules to accommodate new understandings and new perceptions. It reminded me of a text I read last year – whose title I cannot recall – but the argument of which is that the Constitution of the U.S. has been re-interpreted into a function-less document. The argument of the authors of this other text do not state that the Constitution does not exist, of course it exists. They simply document how other events and changes, over time, have contributed to a changing of the rules of the foundational ideas that created the constitution.

I read This Perfect Mess by Robert McKinley. A pastor of the Imago Dei community in Portland Oregon. One of the issues with his book that I took away was the idea of having “learning labs” for adults and children at church. While a nice set of stories is documented in the text –and certainly all key points to live by – there were no “aha” moments in this text. Another example for me of the fact that many books “on the market” – say the same thing and yet people keep publishing and people keep buying. I wonder what this means for me. If I publish a book sometime, I want it to be new and have value. But, perhaps I need to say the same thing – like everybody else – the same thing in new ways.

I listened to a series of lectures on leadership, produced by John Ortberg called Masterful Leadership. Several good take-away stories – but nothing individually transformational. I will edit and borrow stories from the series for a speaking engagement I have coming up soon. In the speeches of the leaders, I was reminded of how Rick Warren’s Book, The Purpose Driven Life. It was a good book, but I don’t “get” what makes it such a “hit” and a New York Times Best-seller. (?) I mean, it was good. But, great? Or, for that matter, the even less spectacular and less well articulate The Shack. What makes a book get “viral” status? I suppose I will have to reflect back on the other books I’ve read that give some suggestion to this phenomena in The Tipping Point and SWAY: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational behavior.

Also on this trip I have read two texts by Greg Paul, one entitled Twenty Piece Shuffle and the other God in the Alley. Both a collection of stories from his ministry in downtown Toronto, Canada at his church called The Sanctuary. All good stories. Particularly nice for reading a chapter or two between metro stops while in NYC. Good stories. He does an excellent job of narrating the events in the person’s life, while also recreating the likely scenarios as to what happened or what might have been going on in the minds of his characters. He paints a picture of the persons he works with and allows his audience to “see” and “hear” and even understand why persons in his community may act the way they do. Nice reads. It seems to me people like these kind of stories, the sort of plausible fiction connected to a real-historical event. I may need to learn to write like this myself.

All good reading for a few days.


I have re-read several other books in the past few weeks – connected to work I am doing with a class I am teaching this Fall. I do not have time to re-articulate the central arguments here. I simply do not have the time! Sheez. But, I have re-read and come back into awareness of Walter Winks Trilogy. Naming the Powers, Unmasking the Powers, and then Engaging the Powers. I had not remembered how profoundly these books and their understanding had shaped my understanding and imagination. Very important texts.

I have read Peter Craigie’s The Problem of War in the Old Testament – which does a nice job of dealing with some of the ethical issues of OT understanding of war in the Old Testament. I have re-read Millard Lind’s God is a Warrior which is a great document that narrates how the conception of God as a awarrior who delivers Israel is ancient and early – and testifies to their need to not fight, because God fought for them. A great text.

I read for the first time, thoroughly – though I had previewed it – Patricia McDonald, God and Violence. A good text. Somewhat more introductory and not deeply exegetical – but she explores things and nuances issues in the narratives of the Old Testament that I had missed in previous readings. Several of her imaginative reconstructions are, just that, imaginative, but, nevertheless plausible and curious for consideration. For example, her characterization of Isaac as a man of peace because he moves away from wells that cause dissensions – and God gives him finally a well where others come to him – seeking benevolence.

Finally, on another subject, last week I read Shopclass as Soulcraft. It suggests that we have lost our connection to construction and making things a – and in the process, we have lost connection to ourselves. There is meaning and value in working with and on things – I will agree. I know I miss it - and when I do “create” something – I like the feeling I get of accomplishment and tangible connection. It happens so infrequently for me, though – too busy reading.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Satisfaction in Emotionally Meaningful Goals -

More insight from: RAPT
Attention and the Focused Life
Winifred Gallagher
New York

To William James, wisdom was "the art of knowing what to overlook," and many elders master this way of focusing. Lots of studies show that younger adults pay as much or more attention to negative information as to the positive sort. By middle age, however, their focus starts to shift, until in old age, they're likely to have a strong positive bias in what they both attend to and remember.

The differences in what young and old people focus on and in their emotional well-being may have more to do with chronological changes in motivation rather than age per se. In her studies of "socioemotional selectivity," the Stanford psychologist Laura Carstensen finds that when your lifespan seems open-ended, as it typically does in youth, you focus on the future and on acquiring information—expanding your horizons and seeking new experiences. When your lifespan seems limited, as it does among elders, your attention sensibly shifts to emotional satisfaction in the here-and-now and to worthwhile "sure things" rather than novelty. Interestingly, when young people are thrust into situations that highlight life's fragility, such as war or serious illness, they too tend to focus on fulfilling experiences in the present moment. As Carstensen puts it, 'Age does not entail the relentless pursuit of happiness, but rather the satisfaction of emotionally meaningful goals, which involves far more than simply 'feeling good."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RAPT Attention and the Focused Life

Winifred Gallagher THE PENGUIN PRESS New York 2009.

There is so much that "hit me" with this book, I will be excerpting portions for several days, I imagine.

I do not recommend books (or movies, events) and so forth. My experience is that people's "tastes" are so different as to make it pointless - and, in the past I've had resources recommended to me so highly that, they proved a waste and disappointment likely from having been over-sold.

For me, this book was trans-formation-al.

Excerpt - pg 12- 13

. . . the difference between "passing the time" and "time well spent" depends on making smart decisions about what to attend to in matters large and small, then doing so as if your life depended on it. As far as its quality is concerned, it does.

Abundant research shows that most of the rich and famous, brainy and beautiful are little or no happier than individuals of ordinary means and gifts, because no matter who you are, your joie de vivre mostly derives from paying attention to someone or something that interests you.

It's all too easy to spend much of your life in such an unfocused, mixed-up condition, rushing toward the chimera of a better time and place to tune in and, well, be alive. It's the fashion to blame the Internet and computers, cell phones and cable TV for this diffused, fragmented state of mind, but our seductive machines are not at fault.

The real problem is that we don't appreciate our own ability to use attention to select and create truly satisfying experience. Instead of exercising this potential, we too often take the lazy way out, settle for less, and squander our mental money and precious time on whatever captures our awareness willy-nilly, no matter how disappointing the consequences.

Where the quality of your life is concerned, focus is not everything, but it is a great deal. The question is: If all the world's a stage, as Shakespeare puts it, where do you shine the spotlight of your attention?

THIS BOOK FOLLOWS a loose time line of paying attention over fractions of seconds to moments, days, weeks, months, years, and even a whole life. First, we'll look at some basic operating principles that apply whenever you become aware of something in your world—a changing traffic signal, a sudden stab of jealousy—focus on it, and prepare to respond. Next, we'll explore the two-way relationship between how you feel and what you attend to. We'll consider different styles of paying attention, which are as unique as fingerprints, and the evidence that just as who you are affects how you focus, what you focus on affects who you are. Then we'll consider attention's role in major aspects of life, including learning, memory, emotion, relationships, work, decision-making, and creativity. After looking at some normal attentional glitches and more serious problems, we'll take the long view and examine the role of focus in motivation, health, and the quest for life's meaning.

Five years of reporting on attention have confirmed some home truths. "The idle mind is the devil's workshop" conveys the fact that when you lose focus, your mind tends to fix on what could be wrong with your life instead of what's right, putting you in a bad frame of mind. As "look for the silver lining" suggests, focusing on the productive aspects of difficult situations does indeed lead to a more satisfying experience.

Friday, August 21, 2009

More reading.

The Art of Being Kind by Stefan Einhorn (Paperback - Aug 4, 2009)

I wanted to like this book. It seemed like it had a simple premise that would demonstrate in some clear in demonstrable ways how being kind is an "art" and how this might make itself known in the world. The book is described as "groundbreaking," but the author never seems to scratch the surface, let alone a break ground, in a new way for understanding kindness.

If nothing else, I learned from this book, yet again, the people who have nothing of major significance to say can be published.

The Ten Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life by M. A. Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas (Hardcover - April 10, 2009)

I enjoyed this short book, found it easy and interesting to read. I would not describe this book as being something that I would necessarily recommend to another person, but I might. One of the curious facts of this book that I enjoyed, is the idea that across time and through different social occasions, there are a few fundamental principles that seemed to guide live.

As I was reading the book, I could not help but think about the biblical wisdom tradition, and how the key attributes of this book line up with that wisdom tradition. I was impressed with both authors, clearly well-educated and astute in their fields, and as a result, they have the ability to summarize succinctly key bits of data. At the same time, as Qoheleth might say, there was indeed nothing new in this book.

Another observation I would make - the authors summarize the ten golden rules. Why must we always have a "top ten list"? I do not know.

1. Examine life

2. Worry only about those things under your control

3. Treasure friendship

4. Experience true pleasure

5. Master yourself

6. Avoid excess

7. Be a responsible human being

8. Don't be a prosperous fool

9. Don't do evil to others

10. Kindness to others tends to be rewarded

Simplexity: Why Simple Things Become Complex (and How Complex Things Can Be Made Simple) [BARGAIN PRICE] (Hardcover)
by Jeffrey Kluger (Author)

I will let the words of a reviewer from Amazon.com summarize my perspective on this book.

"Based on the second half of the sub-title (How Complex Things Can Be Made Simple), I was expecting a "how to"
approach for finding the underlying simplicity in apparently complex environments. However, the book was more of a collection of articles that "report the news" versus a "how to" approach for practical application. "Freakonomics [Revised and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything" by Levitt & Dubner has a similar flow, but did a much better job of providing insights on the analytics and approaches used to substantiate the causal relationships they assert.I did find the book enjoyable from an philosophical/entertainment point of view. If you agree with Claude Levi-Strauss' that, "The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions," then you should read the book. In my opinion the real value of the book is that it may open your mind to asking better questions about the nature of complex environments.In summary, if your are looking for a thought provoking piece on the nature of simplicity and complexity you will enjoy the book, but if you are tasked with making complex environments simple and looking for guidance the book won't further your journey."

What I did find insightful from the book is the idea that things that are complex, are actually patterns of attuned and actuating chaos. All of life, at some level, can be seen as chaos. Even a chair, with its rivets, woodwork, design, and construction is complex at some level. I also found it intriguing that things like traffic are complex, but only get problematically complex when just a few too many things get introduced to the complex system too quickly. Complexity is not a problem - it is the chaos associated with the complexity that make things chaotically and problematically complex.

Ethics for the Real World: Creating a Personal Code to Guide Decisions in Work and Life by Ronald A. Howard and Clinton D. Korver (Hardcover - Jun 24, 2008)

This is an exceptional book for teaching ethics. While the book does not deal clearly or directly with the classical systems for reflecting on ethical theory, there are input connections with the theoretical orientation throughout the text. What makes this book so good, is the way in which it can be used for working with business professionals who need to begin to think about their own practice of ethics. The book breaks down, ethical decisions into three major areas, which are a bit simplistic. And yet, addressed most of the issues that any person would face: lying, stealing, doing harm. The authors, near Ray examples from students, from business professionals, about ways in which persons should think practically to address real-life issues. Using specifically three dimensions of action: the legal, the ethical, and the Prudential.

I have used this text in order to teach ethics to business persons, and will continue to use it as a resource.

The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness by Noah St. John (Hardcover - Jan 20, 2009)

I tried to read on a regular basis in the literature of self-help, popular psychology, leadership and motivational thinking.

I am not certain that I can agree with the premise of the author. But I am convinced that if persons practice what he preaches, they will think differently about their life. The author claims that we need to ask different questions to ourselves or about ourselves. That will elicit positive emotional responses that will in turn, reshape the kind of people that we are. He calls these af-form-mations and not affirmations. In essence, he states that if we ask ourselves questions about why our life is so good, we will be attuned to why our life is good and will make positive decisions that move forward in positive ways.

Again, not convinced that the author is correct... but I am convinced that anybody who asks and reflects on the positive things in their life, will in fact view their life and more positive ways.

I plan to come back and reread this book and see if I feel differently about it in the future.

More Than Money: Questions Every MBA Needs to Answer: Redefining Risk and Reward for a Life of Purpose by Mark Albion and Liz Cutler Maw (Hardcover - Oct 12, 2008)

I picked up this book in order to consider what it might have to say to the Master of business administration students that I teach. While not helpful for the specific teaching purposes. In my course work, I did find the book helpful for any person who might need to rethink or reconsider where they are in life, and what is most important to them.

Here is a link to a powerpoint presentation over the book that summarizes the key points so I don’t have to.


The book offers reflections (wisdom) in and on life. I am surprised by how many books these days offer the same basic kind of wisdom that Qoheleth offered so many years ago – but suited or “dressed” for a new age.

The book was good. But, it’s wisdom is old.

I very much valued and appreciated the parable that begins the book, which sounds so much like Qoheleth!

There’s a wonderful story I read once, about an American Businessman who went on a holiday to Mexico. He stood at the pier of a small coastal village in Mexico, when a small boat carrying a lone Mexican fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The fisherman replied, “Only a little while.”
The American then asked, “If it took only a little while to catch these fine fish, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?” The fisherman explained that this catch was enough to support his family’s immediate needs.
The American then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”
The fisherman replied, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, and stroll into the village each evening, where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor.”
The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually, you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then L.A., and eventually New York City, where you would run your expanding enterprise.”
The fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take?”
The American replied, “Fifteen to twenty years.”
“But what then, señor?” inquired the Mexican. The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right, you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.”
“Millions, señor? Then what?” asked the Mexican.
The American said, “Why, then you would retire, of course—move to a small coastal fishing village where you could sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and stroll into the village in the evenings, where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”


Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School by Philip Delves Broughton (Hardcover - Jul 31, 2008)

I was unimpressed with this book. I hope to read it and glean from the author. Things that he learned while he was at Harvard business school. Instead, the book read like an extended journal, diary of his own unique experiences here in the book did not offer much more than anecdotal, experiential, personal vignettes.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Books and Films July 2009

This is intended to be a personal commentary on books/films - not intended as a review. Listed for archival purposes.
Wisdom of Our Fathers: Lessons and Letters from Daughters and Sons by Tim Russert

I picked this book up off the shelf at the library. I liked the subtitle of the book that it included lessons and letters from daughters and sons. I am always looking for interesting lessons to teach my daughter's. Or, I am always looking for ways to learn from the wisdom of other fathers. So that I can be a better father to my two daughters.

Brooke ended up being a collection of letters that have been written to Tim after he had written an earlier book about his relationship with his father. I read through many many pages of letters in the book, but I did not read every page. Some of the stories were meaningful and significant, and brought me to tears. As would be expected, some of the stories seem insignificant or boring.

One of the things that strikes me as important with this particular book is the fact that the book was essentially authored by Tim, using work done by other people. That is, all Tim did, it was to collect letters from his writers and put them together under one title area. I wonder, what can be done with thinking about publishing in these ways.

After reading the book, I did have a conversation with my father, about his antique toy collection, and the fact that he could potentially solicit pictures and stories from elderly persons with their toys and make a toy book out of it, and or use the pictures and stories of people with their toys as the turtle for a toy museum.

Death at the Priory: Love, Sex, and Murder in Victorian England by James Ruddick

this book was a quick read for me. I did not read all of the central portions of the book. The key issues of the story could be discerned, quite frankly, by reading simply be jacket cover. I did do more than just read the jacket cover however. The book follows the story of a fair maiden, already widowed, Florence Ricardo and tells the story of how she likely poisoned her second husband, and got away with murder in Victorian England, the end of the 19th century. What made the story interesting, is the fact that the principal characters involved. Would have been the people magazine for us magazine famous people of their day. Including, for example, the doctor to Charles Darwin. In the end, the author concludes that Florence, poisoned her second husband, but was able to get away with it when her made help cover it up.

Not a particular interesting read, not the kind of material I normally read, but a nice distraction from other reading.

When Principles Pay: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Bottom Line by Professor Geoffrey Heal

I did not read this book in its entirety. I began researching the book and thinking about using it for an ethics class I'm teaching to MBAs.

I was disappointed when I began reading the book, new at the public library, and someone has already underlined several pages in the book.

The observation that I would have about the book has to do with its style of presentation. Many of the books I have read recently, have used a very straightforward and clear approach for presenting their material. In fact, in the more popular books I'm reading-popular being defined by the number of copies that they sell-the more popular books seem to say, and restate, and restate, the same basic principles throughout her in. It does seem to be the case that the most popular books that get published and read these days, could be cut in half if you cut out all of the redundancies as authors state and restate what they will be doing in each chapter. While this can be frustrating, is something that I need to observe as I think about publishing or writing my own books.

As I think about the writing of people like John Maxwell or Stan Toler - I am sometimes amazed at how they can take just a very few things and state them again and again and again and again and get their books seem to sell. Something to consider as I think about my own authorship in the future.

What Women Want by Patricia Ireland

this was an interesting book to pick up and read significant portions of, though not the entire book. The book is authored by a significant and influential person in the civil rights movement, that is the civil rights movement insofar as the concerns the national organization of women. The store is filled with numerous personal anecdotes and biographical information including the author. Again, not a book I read in its entirety, so I cannot comment on all of the features of the book. I was intrigued with knowing how this particular woman and how women in the pursuit of women's interests have moved forward area as a sort of manifesto for women's rights, this book would fail. It was to biographical and lacking in clear argument or position statements

Miss American Pie: A Diary of Love, Secrets and Growing Up in the 1970s by Margaret Sartor

I did not read this book, and in fact simply picked it up for my wife to read. Neither Robin Mariah finished it. The book is truly nothing more than a collection of journal entries from the author, and in that sense, it intends to detail. The coming-of-age of a particular person in the 1970s. The only reason to make any comment about the book, is to take note of the fact that at least in this publication, the author has done nothing more than to collect her journal entries, and use that as the basis for an entire book. Yes, this entire book is essentially nothing more than a journal entries of its author.

The book is unmoving and insignificant. However, it does cause one to think about the daily news of writing and how in the daily list of writing, there exists the kernel materials necessary for possible publication.

As I think about Robyn's writing and blog in particular, i.e. want to think about ways that I can help her to process and work towards her own writing in the future, using the daily miss of her blog and daily stories as the framework out of which something larger could develop.

The Parents We Mean To Be: How Well-Intentioned Adults Undermine Children's Moral and Emotional Development by Richard Weissbourd

I am always looking for interesting material that deals with families, family dynamics, parents, children. I always want to do the best I can do to understand families and family dynamics.

What is most striking about this book, is the fact that the author essentially demonstrates that parents are too concerned with trying to make their children happy. Parents confuse what their children's real needs are and in fact make their children more vulnerable to long-term failure or problems. By simply trying to make them happy, instead of making them into well-developed moral persons. The author uses several stories in order to demonstrate that parents need to take careful responsibility for their children's well-being. In order to develop long-term moral Kurds and stability for children.

This book would deserve a second read, a further review. At some point in my future. There is no doubt there was significant fodder in this book that I could use to reconceptualize issues for my own future.

One of the striking teachers, as I read the book, had to do with my own reflection on my life with my daughters. I am very thankful for my wife and her role in helping me with my daughters. Particularly coming out of a divorce situation, there is no question that I., at times, have attempted to make my daughters happy. While I have given into them in ways that were not fully healthy. I certainly have no significant regrets about things that I've done. But I'm also thankful for the perspective of an outside person, my wife, to ensure that the decisions I make for the sake of my children is in their best long-term oral health and development.

Again, a book that I would like to come back and review at another time.

Jump the Curve: 50 Essential Strategies to Help Your Company Stay Ahead of Emerging Technologies by Jack Uldrich

I reviewed this book, as I began to think about teaching a class on ethics for MBAs. The book would not be effective for my teaching purposes. Therefore, I did not read the book in its entirety. There were several interesting things about the book however that I would like to note. Essentially, the author begins with a story from his early years in school in which he learned the value of exponential growth. He talks about how exponential growth is better than receiving thousands of dollars a day. Specifically, he uses the story of receiving a penny that doubles over 31 days, or receiving $100,000 per day for 31 days. The author lays out several different strategies for what he calls dumping the curve. Most of the stories that he told seemed old stories that were redone in a new way. For example, he tells the story about how once someone ran the four-minute mile, within a short period of time. Numerous other individuals were able to do it. Thus demonstrating the exponential growth. Several other stories are told about science fiction, NASA, computer gigabytes etc.

in the end, the author encourages his readers to stay ahead of exponential changes that take place in the world by going to his website www.jumpthecurve.net

I'm not sure if it will be worth it.

Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World by N. D. Wilson

This book was complete gibberish. It seemed to be creative, published by Thomas Nelson, and included the language of having wide-I'd wonder in God's spoken world. The book included a preface that talked about significant theologians and philosophers, people like David healing, or Ludwig Wittgenstein. After feeling like, several pages of reading, was complete and total nonsense. I went and read a few reviews on the book. I have no idea how someone can write this as a good book. I have no idea how this ranks as something that is readable. I have no idea how people like this get published. If this is the kind of material that gets published, and receives favorable reviews, I cannot be a writer.

It was random, it was awed, I could make no sense of it.

The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. by Daniel Coyle

This was a fascinating and enlightening book. He was a significant book for me to read in my life at this point in my journey. There is no doubt that this book will have a significant impact on the way I think about things. The author uses several stories of tennis players, Canada players, musicians and athletes a variety of sorts, alongside neuroscientific information about the brain, specifically Myelin that becomes the material in the brain that reinforces how we make decisions.

The essential premise of the book is that we can, by using the practice, develop skills in our body and brain. If we practice long enough. The key issue is that the practice must take place over a period of approximately 10 years, six hours per day, 10,000 hours. And that must take place before the age of 50, after the age of 50 the brain's ability to reproduce or produce new Myelin breaks down. It really caused me to stop and think in my own life about what things I can do before I turned 50. I have 12 years ahead of me. Is there anything in my life that I want to focus on. If there anything that I want to become an expert on.

It made me think very seriously about how I have been apparent in how I wish I could go back and re-create some things in my parent relationship with my children. Is this something I can give them where they can practice where they can become experts.

Key quotes, from page 51. Every expert in every field is the result of around 10,000 hours of committed practice. Delivered practice, deep practice.

Page 77, he talks about chunking NL since his work and how we memorize data uses the example of the settings. "We climbed Mount Everest on a Tuesday morning." The sentence is then written backwards in indiscernible chunks. It looks like nonsense until you know, the key for reading it.

Page 110. The key issues have to do with needing to be motivated to move forward.

Page 136. In tests conducted with students, the students who were praised for their intelligence did not improve on the second test. But students who were praised for working hard continued to work hard and continued to receive success. The result proved, or demonstrated, that if people are praised for the right answer. They can become lethargic, and not try to work any harder, thinking he never answers and giving up if it situation becomes difficult. Instead, though, if they are told they work hard, they might have a greater reason to work diligently on another further problem, not giving up as easily.

Page 170 uses examples from coach wooden about how the importance of repetition and automaticity is important. "Don't look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement, one day at a time. That's the only way it happens-and when it happens, it lasts." "Repetition is the key to learning."

A fantastic and remarkable book. I need to come back to this book.

Not Becoming My Mother: and Other Things She Taught Me Along the Way by Ruth Reichl

Even though this book is not really my style, because it was short and personal, I read it from cover to cover. Essentially, the author tells the story of her life, and the story of her mother. Specifically, in order to narrate how her mother taught her to become what she was, who she is, by not becoming the kind of controlled and patriarchal society woman that her mother was.

In the end, you are the only one who can make yourself happy. It is never too late to find out how to live the life you want to live.

Not an excellent story, but one that was captivating and intriguing to read.

It does cause me to reflect on the fact that we have much to live for in our individual lives. We can, in a sense, reinvent our lives.

It did cause me to think about the fact that we think about our lives lived in daily menace, but our lives are lived in larger periods of time. Even as I think about. Time I've spent at my current place of employment. There have been moments and ethics of events that have shaped how I become and on what I've done.

The Hole in Our Gospel: What does God expect of Us? The Answer that Changed my Life and Might Just Change the World by Richard Stearns

I read this book, nearly in its entirety. I wanted the book to be so much more. Essentially, the author tells his story of having come to the conversion late in life after having been a wealthy and important business person. He has gone on to become the president of world vision. He weaves stories about world vision alongside numerous statistics of social global need, in order to talk about the role that is lacking in the Gospel. He does weed in several stories and issues of Scripture, narrating the fact that Christians need to be involved in social causes.

The book was well written.

I enjoyed hearing the perspective of the author.

What was so frustratingly disappointing about the book is that the book does not say anything new. The core issues of statistical facts that are presented in this book have been published by Ronald sider. Many many years ago, and republish several times in his book. Rich Christians in an age of hunger. What was frustrating about this book, is the premise that you have to become a rich and wealthy business executive, before you can learn what the hole in the Gospel is. Unfortunately the hole in the Gospel is not the hole in the Gospel, the hole is in rich wealthy business executives and a rich middle class in America who have failed to see what the Gospel has always included, social and political aspects to reach out to others.

It is not so much that I was disappointed with the book, as much as I was and am disappointed by the fact that a book like this needs to be published. We have so few good exemplars of what it means to live the Christian life in our world today. And it's frustrating that there are basically two kinds of persons who make the news. The Uber, religious, who literally give it all away, Mother Teresa. Well, the wealthy and rich to get elected to be president of large organizations who give money away. It's all of the middle level Christians, the ones who attend to the needs of the derelict and the homeless on a regular basis, they really need to be celebrated.

Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Chris Gardner and Mim E. Rivas

I wanted this book to be good, it wasn't.

I did not read it in its entirety.

The author tells long stories in order to illustrate 44 lessons that he has outlined about how to live your life.

Each of the stories contained too much biographical information, or to long story. The book was excessively long for what is actually in the book of content.

It felt very obvious to me when I was reading the book that each one of the lessons is simply a story that the author has told at some public speaking engagement, where he has illustrated and goats, proverbial sayings, wisdom tradition that he has garnered in his life. I found nothing to be significant or meaningful in the stories that I read, though I did not read all of them.


Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count by Richard E. Nisbett

The basic principle set up in this book is quite simple, namely that intelligence can be learned over time, it is not necessarily hardwired.

Some interesting statistics discerned in the book, from page 55. School that only makes people smarter. Information and problem-solving skills learned in school, result in higher IQ scores. Peoples abilities to perform tasks measured by IQ have improved over time.

"Intellectual capital is the result of stimulation and support for exploration and achievement in the home, the neighborhood, and the schools. To think that this can be changed by mandate-operating only through the schools-is preposterous." Page 119.

On page 150, the author makes an interesting cost-based analysis, benefit-based analysis, on what it would cost to improve education. Over against the cost of incarceration. The math works out in such a way that the most successful prekindergarten programs, which cost money, in the long run are more successful and cost less than incarceration.

On page 191, the author talks about successful's skills for effective tutoring, including: encouraging a sense of control, challenging a child, instilling confidence, fostering curiosity, and contextualizing by relating the task to the real world / or to a movie/television show.

A brief history of theology: from the New Testament to feminist theology. By Derek Johnston.

This was an interesting perspective for reading about church history and Christian geology. The author is essentially follows the biographical influence of several persons who have shaped different perspectives in theology. Beginning with St. Paul, including important significant figures like Augustine and Aquinas, moving up through the current page, including Walter Brueggemann and Don Cupitt.

One of the features of the text that I appreciated, is the fact that each and every one of the chapters as a stand-alone quality. It is clear that the author organize the material as a whole, but it also seems to be evident that the author organized his own perspective. In the process of writing this book, working in smaller units, working with individual theologians along the way, here it in some sense, the book operates like an extended Wikipedia article on any one of the persons that is covered. This is not a criticism of the book, simply an observation. As I think about my own writing, it might be well for me to think about writing in blocks, managing smaller historical periods were textual data in chunks and informing the larger whole.


Why we make mistakes: how we look without scene, forget things in seconds, and are all pretty sure we are way above average. By Joseph Hallinan.

This book is a collection of stories from crime scenes to coinage about how we think we know, what we have seen, but we often misperceive or miss-see that which we think we see. The author gives several different examples of ways that we think we are intelligent drivers, think that we are credible witnesses, but in the end, we are tricked by our own inability to perceive accurately because of our inability to focus on everything that our brain and eyes are managing.

An interesting read, but nothing transformative for my life's experience.

How did Christianity began? A believer and nonbeliever examined the evidence. By Micheal F. Bird and James G. Crossley.

This book was an interesting combination of perspectives. It seems to be the case there is a new genre of literature that has emerged that intentionally puts in perspective opposing or polemic positions in order to expose what is going on. This book for that genre.

I did not read the book in its entirety. While the material may be interesting or intriguing for someone with less knowledge, as I began to read the book. It seemed tedious and boring to go through the same arguments that I have encountered in various other literature. Over time. It obviously would be the case that a book like this would simplistically and easily put a variety of arguments under one cover, making it accessible for someone who had not seen all of the issues presented. It seemed to be a good text. Not one I would necessarily use in class were purchased for myself. However, it might be a book that I would recommend to someone who wanted to consider the polemic positions that are must be considered.


A People's history of Christianity: the other side of the story. By Diana Butler Bass.

I loved this simple introduction to Christianity. This book was really nothing more or less than a review of church history. But the way in which the information was presented seemed “light” and easily accessible. No doubt the author passed over numerous issues, of which she herself is aware, but the book made the history of Christianity, easily accessible. I was very impressed with this easy access for the sake of thinking about how I might write an easily accessible perspective on the Old Testament.

The author has taken the story of Christianity and broken it down into the five big C’s. Christ, Constantine, Christendom, Calvin, and Christian America.

The author is clearly an expert in her study. And I have to wonder if the ease with which she tells the story of Christianity is not a reflection of her expertise. The book is easily testable, but it seems to be the case that it's easy access is a direct result of her high academic ability, clear discernment of the issues, and practical breakdown of matters in her presentation. I was very impressed with this book.

Atheism Explained: From Folly to Philosophy. By David Ramsay Steele.

I really intended to read this book, but in the end, chose not to. I am a theist. Love it or leave it, like it or not. I believe. I therefore decided it was pointless for me to read it.


Film: Herb & Dorothy

a very enjoyable film that my wife and I viewed together. Essentially, Herb and Dorothy spent their entire lifetime collecting works of art. They amassed a very important collection, and since have donated to the national Gallery. Their works of art were so extensive, that the national Gallery cannot accept all that they provided to them so their collection has since been further broken down and distributed 50 pieces of art to 50 separate art museums throughout the United States. Or, 50 pieces for each state. An intriguing film and testimony to live lived well in its mundaneness.


Film: Valentino: The Last Emperor

Follows the life of Valentino Garavani and his ups and downs in his last years, along with his life long partner and lover, business partner.

An intriguing life about eccentricity, style, grandeur and “pomp.”