Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Changes, Books, and Shift with Great Colleagues

In the Fall I'll be teaching University courses as I return to my full-time role as Professor.  I'll be back among a host of students and superior faculty colleagues. 

In the past few days, with a colleague, we published a book.  What a delight to have worked on a great project with a great friend (who now lives in Thailand) who I've known from my childhood! The book started in 2022, our friendship began in 1973!

In the past month, my other 2023 book was published. How great that several colleagues and friends informed what emerged in my 2021-2022 project!

I've recently quit working for an exceptional company in Portland, OR.  My boss proved to be a great leader who demonstrated wisdom, insight in compassion, clinical acumen, and leadership vision, and supervision, for how she led and provided direction to me, and to all of us on her team.

I've cut back nearly all of my Mental Health Professional hours and will only be medically on-call working for another great company, where the Health Services Administrator over our Medical Facility has become a great friend, in addition to her keen oversight and directing me in my roles there.

I've always loved reading, writing, learning with others, completing great work with others, being shaped by great supervisors, engaged with great leaders, impacted by super colleagues.

What a life!  How great to live it in the company of others!