Saturday, December 04, 2010

Not so much reading - only some reflection - but a day in my life

I was up before 7:00 a.m.

By 10:00 a.m. I had used my 12 ton jack to lift a porch and shore it up with 4x4's I'd cut and prepared.

By Noon I had used my 60' cable to clear the roots out of the sewer line on a house.

I came home to a wonderful wife.  I cleaned up and we spent the day together - just to be together.  She shopped.  I sat in chairs and watched people and ate food.

We went to an early dinner together.

I bought enough Ice Cream to bring home to make me happy for weeks.

We toyed with the idea of watching movies or reading in the evening - and we did a bit of both.

She went off to sleep before me.  I stayed up to watch a documentary on the Appalachian Trail.

I determined in 1997 that wanted to hike the AT (or sections of it) in 2007.  I had estimated that by then I'd be done with my dissertation and well along enough in life to hike it with the "kids" who had been in my Children's Ministry in 1997 - who would by 2007 be "old enough" to hike it with me.  I have yet to hike the AT - but I stay in touch with the "kids" of Colorado and someday, we may yet do it.  I hope so.  I was delighted that in the National Geographic documentary I viewed - a 70 year old man was completing his "through hike" (the entire 2000+ mile journey) - and he happened to be using the exact same Osprey backpack I own.  Ah!  At least by the time I'm 70 I'll be able to do it!  Somewhere around 1999 or 2000 I read Bill Bryson's experience of hiking portions of the AT, which still amuses and inspires me.

I then watched the movie 180 South.  I had never "met" Yvon Chouinard nor Douglas Thompkins - and I had forgotten to read this text, which I have yet to read - Collapse:  How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. I read the author's other text, Guns, Germs, Steel - a few years back. The Film 180 South was inspirational and motivational - providing images along the way in the Film - and the lives of the persons listed here.

I was reminded of the themes of Deep Ecology which come up in the Biblical Theology and Global Stewardship class that I teach - and went back for a quick review of this text, which I consider important relating ideas of Deep Ecology and Christian themes, though I am not convinced it renders correctly all issues.

And, as I wrap up this review on this great day and note these "Old Testament" concerns - I'm reminded that I received an email today - from a former student.  I encouraged her to seek a fellowship in D.C. many months ago - working with Bread for the World.   She wrote, and I quote:  "I received this e-mail from Bread today about some of the pieces of legislation I lobbied for this summer. I was so overjoyed I cried. I wanted to share the good news with you and once again thank you for sharing the Hunger Justice Leaders opportunity with me. My experience in DC changed my life, the way I think about how citizens can speak to people in places of power, and my framework for what it means to be a social justice advocate. Thank you so much."

What a great day I have had.  What a great day to work and enjoy and sit and think and remember what is important.

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