Saturday, November 30, 2013

Read, Research, Repeat - How to engage the Bible.

I always tell learners that exegetical work is really quite simple.
  1. Read.
  2. Research.
  3. Repeat.

Read the Biblical Text.  Pour over it's words, it's structure, it's context and contexts.

Then, do research about the issues and contexts that you've discerned.

Then, pour again over the words and see if what you've read coheres with the Biblical text and note new things.

Then, do more research about the yet new discoveries you've found.

Repeat this process until, for your passage, you are quite confident you've ferreted out every item and every detail - and you know that because when you read new research, you can find nothing new - only what you already know in all of the research journals, articles, citations, commentaries, dictionaries.

Now that you have these 5-10 verses discerned in your pericope, move on to the next passage and in a lifetime, perhaps you'll be about 1/8 of the way through the Bible!

  1. Read
  2. Research
  3. Repeat.
Here is one of many supplemental links available on internet that might be helpful for persons learning "how to do exegesis."

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