Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Knowing Jesus" by James Alison

I've read many essays by James Alison over the years.  I've listened to many interviews with him.  I know of his work with other interests I have in theology, ministry, and violence studies.

For the first time today I read his 1993 book, Knowing Jesus.

If you're a pastor or theologian who thinks about or preaches about:  Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, the Resurrection, the crucifixion, the Church, Eucharist, or the life of discipleship as followers of Jesus; you really ought to consider reading this monograph.

Many of his ideas share cross currents with many things I've read by him and others (particularly in Girardian studies) over the years.  Still, I found myself in several explicit passages, and in the overall presentation of his argument, amazed at the clarity and content of this book.

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