Friday, December 22, 2023

It's the end of 2023

 2023 is coming to an end.

It's incredible to me the amount of travel, exporation, study, engagement, learning, care and connection that has been part of this year, again! Wow!

It's been fun the past few months to be back in front of 100+ University students in four on-campus courses - and to be building networks of new friends and colleagues in Idaho.

Two books published this year! Woot! That may be it for the next many years!

A few fun opportunities to engage new care for clients are emerging for me in 2024 . . . so we'll see what happens with that - in fields tied to neurofeedback.

I've got more travel planned for 2024 than I know what to do with - and opportunity to engage online work and online teaching from any location! Hooray!

I remain invigorated by my work with persons with Severe & Persistent Mental Illness working for a major National Provider - and - with availability for me to sit-in-on instruction with the Massachusetts Bridgewater State Hospital Postdoctoral Fellowship in Forensic Psychology! Bonus that I get paid to attend the free-to-me-CEU courses!   

For the past three years I partnered in clinical work with a superior, great, caring, diligent, and perspicuous supervisor.  This person has been a solid beacon for me and such an important understanding human.  She's engaged me with clarity in communication, understanding and wise perception. It's sad that the particularities of our working relationship have had to shift, and yet I am deeply, deeply grateful for superior vision from her for my professional development and maturity. What a joy to have attentive, clear, guiding, maturing supervision! A reminder to me that at every age and different stages of life we need mature guides, wise perspective and discerning counsel from others. I hope to be as good for others as this human has been for me - toward a world that is characterized by more peace and more flourishing.

So grateful for new friendships fostered in 2023 and deeply meaningful relationships from 2020, 2021, 2022 and pre-COVID to resonate with vibrant meaning in my weekly life and truly my every-day-life! And, to have met so many great new professional psychotherapy colleagues in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Colorado who provide context and meaning to many issues of my professional development and aid in resourcing my questions!

And, at the end of the 2023, according to Oregon Health Authority records, just 201 persons are licensed by the OHA to be facilitators engaging persons with psilocybin services - and I was among the first 20 in June . . . and still in that group of just 201 now. 

Life's complexity abounds - and yet the opportunities for providing care and expanding in my own calm clarity abounds yet more!

~ marty alan michelson

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