Saturday, September 15, 2012

Be Indiana Jones - for the Bible!

Okay - so you can't exactly be Indiana Jones . . . but you can be a participant in something close to that!

The page above is an example of "field notes" from the excavations of Ur (of the Chaldees - with Abraham) - from 1922 to 1934.  Ur is mentioned in the Bible four times in connection with Abraham: Genesis 11:28, 31; 15:7; Nehemiah 9:7.

Researchers working with this material want to crowd-source (share the work!) of transcribing the notes and field research so that this unpublished Biblical Archaeological material can be shared & researched in new ways!

If you've got a few hours - and a little bit of interest - this would give you a true "insider" perspective on the "behind the scenes" work (and it is work) of tracking information from archaeological digs!

You can sign up and get started here.


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