Monday, October 30, 2017

Exegetical Work - The Spirit of God at Work & Contemplation

In BLT2163: Methods in Biblical Study - we spend most of the semester focused on "read, research, repeat" as a frame within which I present the various critical methodologies for engaging the Bible within the academic context.  I teach learners to read the Biblical text closely and carefully.  I introduce them to places (in libraries, commentaries, dictionaries, journals, articles, word-studies) to engage critical research, and then I tell them to repeat this process - over and over again.  (Here's a video of my method summarized!)

I make clear that *this* course is not focused on spiritual readings of the Bible nor contemplative discernment (in some ways) - and - I make clear that exegesis is not proclamation (preaching) even while our hermeneutics contributes to our homiletics.

About 2/3rds of the way through the semester, with the critical methods and "tasks" for reading and research in place, I begin to do more work in exploring the dynamics and "fun" of what good exegesis produces when we read Scripture well.

Today I spent time using the Ignatian method of contemplative prayer as an invitation for learners to "imagine themselves" in the setting of the Biblical passage they are exploring.  While not a "critical methodology," it does "expand" the way we can ponder "the world" of the story - and who/how/persons interact.  And this is critical to our discerning care! :-)

I shared with them a phrase I picked up from a Presbyterian pastor I engage from his podcasts, Kirk Winslow with Jesus@2AM.  He says something close to this which I share with my learners. 

"May the Spirit who was present at the writing of Scripture be present at its interpretation."

A great phrase.

For more on praying or reading with the "method" of Ignatius - do some research, though here is one simple frame copied from Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

Ignatian Contemplation – The Process:

This method is especially appropriate for scenes from the Gospels, but also possible with other biblical narratives.
  1. Begin: consider how God looks upon you and loves you; become aware of being in God’s presence;
    stand for a moment, bow if you wish, then be seated comfortably for your time of prayer
  2. Preparatory Prayer: offer to God all your will and actions, especially in this time of prayer;
    ask God for a specific grace that you need and desire right now (peace, consolation, hope, etc.).
  3. Contemplate the Biblical Story that you have selected:
    • Read the text slowly and carefully; recall what it is about; then let it come alive for you!
    • Place yourself inside the story, using your imagination; become one of the characters in the scene.
    • Participate in the dynamics of the scene, dialoguing & interacting with Jesus and other characters.
    • Observe what is going on around you in the scene: What do you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, touch?
    • Dialogue with the other characters: What do they say or ask you? What do you say or ask them in reply?
    • Notice what is going on inside you as you pray: joy, sorrow, peace, confusion, love, anger, etc.
    • If you get distracted or your mind wanders, gently return to the biblical text and re-enter the scene.
  4. Colloquy: enter into a short personal conversation with Jesus (or God the Father, or the Holy Spirit); speak heart-to-heart, as if conversing with a close friend.
  5. Closing Prayer: conclude by praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, or another familiar/favorite prayer;
    you might stand, kneel, bow, raise your hands, or adopt another posture to mark the end of your prayer.
Afterward, briefly review what you experienced during this time of prayer (maybe journal about what happened),
and look forward to your next prayerful encounter with God (when? where? which biblical text will you use?).

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